Start | Sortiment | Handhållna Instrument | ESD Testinstrument | Schlöder SESD 8800-4 ESD - Verification Set (4 GHz)
Schlöder SESD 8800-4 ESD - Verification Set (4 GHz)
  • Schlöder SESD 8800-4 ESD - Verification Set (4 GHz)

Schlöder SESD 8800-4 ESD - Verification Set (4 GHz)

Art. nr: 71036

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ESD - Generators verified according to the standard International Electro technical Commission 61000-4-2.


The measurements of the single pulses take place with a special 2 ohm shunt. For the correct verification of the ESD impulses an oscilloscope with a minimum band width of 1 GHz is necessary.


The ESD verification set SESD 8800-4 works to 4 GHz and is appropriate for the future normative measurements with a band width of 2 GHz (see newest draft standards)


Mer information

Technical data:

  • Structure: In accordance with IEC 61000-4-2 Ed. 2.0; IEC 77B/574/FDIS, distributed on 2008-09-19
  • Measurement resistor 2 ohms target: 2,04 Ohm +/- 2,5%
  • Attenuator: Weinschel Model 2, 20dB
  • Test lead: Low Loss cable 1m with BNC-connector (Oscilloscope side)
  • Deviation of the insert attenuation: +/- 0,3 dB until 1 GHz , +/- 1,0 dB until 4 GHz
    Measurement with attenuator and cable
  • Maximum pulse voltage: 30 kV
  • Weight: 1,0 kg

2 Ohm ESD – target (4 GHz), 20 dB attenuator, Koax cable 1m, Calibration certificate (PTB) with data of the S-parameters in the frequency range up to 4 GHz