New test generator for all interference immunity standards against conducted Interference induced by
high frequency fields - including BCI tests (ISO 11452-4).
One of the very few combined IEC 61000-4-6 test systems that include the RF signal generator, a RFpower amplifier, a 3-channel RF voltmeter and a directional coupler for a very reasonable price.
The CDG 7000 generates interferences as defined in IEC / EN 61000-4-6 - immunity to conducted
disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields. The standard describes a test setup in which these highfrequency interferences can be influenced on a EUT without a complicated structure with antennas,
field instrumentation and shielded rooms. By using coupling networks and coupling clamp's sine waves
are induced directly into power and signal lines. The test object retains its original place in the device
structure, so that the system can be tested in its overall function.