The programmable 4 channel high-performance power supply HMP4040 is based on the classical transformer principle, utilising a high efficiency electronic preregulatorand a secondary linear voltage regulator.
This design concept stands for high output power, a compact sized housing and high efficiency, combined with smallest residual ripple.
Each 4 channels are electrically insulated and combinable.
The HMP4040 has four identical channels with a voltage range of 0 to 32 V.
Power supply units in industrial production environments are often found in 19" racks.
The R&S® HMP series instruments are very suitable for this use as all models can be integrated into 19" racks with the rack mounting kit R&S® HZP91.
Additionally, all front panel connectors, including SENSE lines, are also located at the back panel of the instrument.
The R&S®HMP power supplies are equipped with a dual USB/LAN interface as standard.
This interface can optionally be replaced by a dual RS-232/USB interface or a GPIB (IEEE488) interface